Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Text File
68 lines
Auto Set V1.0
FILES --+--> AUTO_SET.DOC -> This Text File
+--> AUTO_SET.PRG -> The Software
| (place in AUTO folder)
+--> LOW .INF -> Low-Res Desktop Info File
| (Place in Root Directory, Drive A)
+--> MED .INF -> Medium-Res Desktop Info File
| (Place in Root Directory, Drive A)
+--> LOW .DEF -> Low-Res is default
| or (Found in Root Directory, Drive A)
| MED .DEF -> Medium Res is Default
| (Found in Root Directory, Drive A)
+--> AUTO_SET.LST -> The GFA Basic Source Code
PURPOSE --+--> To enable the setting of the screen resolution upon
| start-up/reset.
+--> To set the time and date upon start-up/reset.
SET UP --+--> Place AUTO_SET.PRG into the A:\AUTO directory.
+--> Rename your low-res DESKTOP.INF file as LOW.INF and
| place the file in the Root Directory of your boot disk.
+--> Rename your medium-res DESKTOP.INF file as MED.INF and
place the file in the Root Directory of your boot disk.
USAGE --+--> After having completed the set up described above,
| reboot, and AUTO_SET will run.
+--> Enter the date in the form of MM/DD/YYYY and press RETURN
| (If the date is entered incorrectly, or no date is entered,
| the existing date will be used.)
+--> Enter the time in the form HH:MM:SS and press RETURN.
| (If the time is entered incorrectly, or no time is entered,
| the existing time will be used.)
+--> If both LOW.INF and MED.INF are found in the root directory,
the user is prompted to select the desired screen resolution.
Use the up and down arrow keys to select, and then press
RETURN. The desktop will then appear in the selected
resolution. The selected resolution will also be saved as
the default.
(NOTE: The may be a short pause after having completed this
step. The ST is NOT locked, this is merely the result of
the selected .INF file being copied as DESKTOP.INF)
METHOD ------> AUTO_SET works by copying the selected info file (LOW.INF
or MED.INF to the file DESKTOP.INF The default setting is
recorded with the file LOW.DEF (for low res) or MED.DEF (for
med res). For more details see the sourcecode included
in the archive.
COPYRIGHT ---> Auto Set Copyright 1994 Alexander Hajnal
Written and Compiled using GFA Basic V3.5E
This software is Freeware. Feel free to copy these files
and give them to friends, BBS's ,etc. If you like this
program, or have any comments, complaints, suggestions, etc.
leave a message for me at A.HAJNAL on GEnie. The source code
included may be freely modified by the user, however, I request
that you not remove the copyright message. If you use this
as a part of your own original software, at least give me credit
for my (small) part. ;)
DISCLAIMER --> This software has been tested thoroughly, and if used as instructed
above, should cause no problems what so ever. I take no
reponsibility for any damages or losses of data, time, or
otherwise that can be attributed either directly or indirectly
to the use or misuse of this software.